Anyways, You're here to get a recipe huh? and not for my love of icecream. I know Im getting to it.
Well my mom gave me this recipe just a few days ago and Im not sure where she found it. It is just so stinking easy though for me not to share it with you.
Here you go. Have a pen ready to write it down? Just kidding it's super short and easy.
2 cups of Heavy Cream
14 oz of Sweeten Condence Milk- (I bought the low fat kind, and it doesn't make a difference in taste)
1.5 tsp of vanilla
Blender or a Mixer.. Could possibly be mixed by hand if you have neither of those items. BUT Im NOT positive.
Im not 100% positive on how much it makes. My guess is about 4 cups and thats with adding some oreos.
Pour it all into a blender and mix on high until it becomes thick. I had to take the lid off to check on it. Didn't take but just a few minutes of blending. Pour it into a container that can go in the freezer and has a lid. You'll most likely have to use a spoon to scoop it all out of the blender. It can get a little messy on your hands, but you'll survive. Just lick it and move on. Freeze for at least 8 hours. AND BAM you're done! Eat up kids.
What it looks like all mixed up in the blender |
YUP THAT'S IT! Im sure anything would be wonderful to add into it. M&M's, Reese's, Nuts.....The list goes on and on. Well let me take that back, Not everything will be good in it. I mean, I wouldn't add things like...ketchup. Let me rephrase that, ANYTHING THAT IS YUMMO IN ICECREAM would be good in this. ( ps yummo is not a typo, that would be a Ninaism. I make words up)
I wanted some oreo chunks. First I used the blender to have some very finely chopped. Poured into my container. Then I used my hand and broke up some more oreos and used a spoon to mix it in. |
Now how simple was that. The freeze wait period is the hard part. I just want to dive right into, but I guess I'll wait until I finish dinner.
I couldn't wait any longer. RIGHT after dinner I made myself a small bowl. OH MAN IS IT YUMMO!!!!! |
Peace out my 'Grandkids'!