Friday, December 2, 2011

Bring It on WORLD

MAN oh MAN! It sure has been a hectic week. School, meetings, and not sleeping very well makes for a very long, draining week. The semester is almost over though. Just 2 more weeks.  Then I'll be student teaching!

I have 2 projects going on right now. The first one is Beanies for Babies. Each year around Christmas time I try to do something to give back. This year I have created beanies for newborn babies at our local hospital. People were able to donate money, yarn, and/or beanies they have created. Guess how many I have, just dooooo it. 95!!! My mom has created about 20 some and the rest has been yarn/money donations. I have just a few more weeks to create some more before I deliver them. The babies have to be stylish when they come into the world. Thats what I think anyways. Heres the link to the beanies (if you wanted to check them out)

My other event is Around the World with Love. HOLY SMOKES. That pretty much sums that up. Never thought I would get the response that I have. It makes me so excited that all these people are willing to help. THANK YOU ALL A TON! The link for that is at the top of this page if you're interested to find out more information. I will also be posting updates on my Facebook page I can not express how ecstatic this makes me! For one I love to travel and to teach. So why not put them together. HEELLLLLLO. I started just a few days ago and I have almost reach me goal! WOOHOO.

Lastly I have had a few people ask me about how I came up with my name "Granny in Style" Well I am very far from becoming a granny.....age wise. I am a 25 year old and 0 that just doesn't add up. HAHA. Well I have been crocheting (trying to) for a long time. My mom taught me when I was a youngster, but all I ever did was the single stitch. I started crochet again this summer. At the time I had a ton of classes to take in a very short amount of time. So I was stressed out and needed 'me' time. Not many people my age crochet and I got a lot of slack for doing it (they were always jokingly doing it). I was being called a granny. AND BAM thats how I got the name. I just went along. If you can't beat them...JOIN THEM.

Saw this while riding on the motorcycle in TX. 
I hope everyone has a great weekend! Get crafty, be creative, and RELAX.

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